Songwriter Series

In 2024, The Englert launched a new series all about the art of songwriting, honoring Iowa City’s history as home to renowned writers and artistry.

As a UNESCO City of Literature, Iowa City has long been famous for writing. The University of Iowa’s MFAs in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction are considered among the most prestigious in the world, and our sidewalks are literally paved with words. A lesser known gem, the city has a tradition of great songwriting as well. Our Songwriter Series is The Englert’s newest way to honor that tradition and broaden its horizons.

By bringing some of the best songwriters in the world to Iowa City, as well as celebrating the amazing songwriters we already have in town, the series aims to inspire the songwriters throughout Iowa and showcase our town to the global songwriting community. Through this series, we hope Iowa City becomes as much of a must-stop town to touring songwriters of all genres as it is for fiction, poetry, and nonfiction writers.

Recent highlights on our Songwriter Series include Indigo Girls, Suzanne Vega, John Hiatt, Elizabeth Moen, J.E. Sunde, Tommy Prine, and Alejandro Escovedo. Stay tuned for more news on the Songwriter Series in 2025!

Englert Songwriter Series